21. 3. 2022

A groundbreaking innovation in the treatment of Post-Covid syndrome

In cooperation with the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (CTU), the MIRAMARE Luhačovice Spa is successfully testing a novelty – a special laser in the treatment of the post-COVID syndrome.

Since the beginning of February, we have been treating clients suffering from the post-COVID syndrome with a special high-power laser. Last week alone, nearly forty clients underwent special laser irradiation therapy of lungs. They showed very good progression and significant improvement in their condition.


The pilot project, which we are implementing in cooperation with the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the CTU, looks very promising. Patients’ interest is huge and the results are encouraging,” said Martin Plachý, CEO of the ROYAL SPA Group.

“We very much appreciate the cooperation with the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Czech Technical University located in Kladno. The high-power MLS laser loaned by them gives us new possibilities of professional treatment of clients with the post-COVID syndrome, with the aim of faster reduction of post-inflammatory changes in the lung tissue, achieving the best and fastest recovery and return to the original condition and quality of life,” said MUDr. Jana Mahdalíková, head physician of MIRAMARE Luhačovice Spa.

She added that the new treatment method is followed by inhalation therapy, respiratory physiotherapy, correction of movement stereotypes and muscle imbalances, hydrotherapy and other spa treatment.

We started MLS laser treatment for post-COVID syndrome on 1 February 2022 and our patient group is gradually growing. We assess the effects of treatment based on subjective client assessment, comparison of SpO2 readings on the pulse oximeter, spirometry results and lung X-ray findings before and after treatment. Over time, we will evaluate the effects of the treatment on a larger number of clients,” explains MUDr. Jana Mahdalíková.


Special high-power laser therapy, commonly used in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, has been first tested in America to minimise the effects of COVID pneumonias. A team of experts from the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the CTU headed by Prof. MUDr. Leoš Navrátil, CSc. MBA, dr. h. c. started to use this therapy already in spring 2021. It is proving to be an effective treatment method for patients in the chronic stage, i.e., for the so-called post-COVID syndrome. The results of treatment are beyond expectations, as it can transform scar tissue in the lung back into elastic, functional tissue.

The duration of treatment for clients with the post-COVID syndrome is around 14 minutes per affected lung and it is necessary to continue the treatment for five consecutive days to initiate the pro-regenerative effect. The treatment with high-power laser therapy is followed by respiratory physiotherapy techniques and manual techniques for postural correction.

In addition to patients feeling subjectively better, the effectiveness of the therapy was also demonstrated by spirometric examination. Significant improvement was also detected on lung X-rays as early as 3 to 4 weeks after starting treatment.

Post-COVID treatment with laser therapy can effectively help patients within a few weeks and they do not have to be treated with inhaled drugs for many months,” says Aleš Příhoda from the Department of Health Care and Population Protection at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the CTU and adds: “We have expanded the possibilities of laser therapy based on the experience of the Italian research centre ASA campus by further adjusting the parameters of the applied laser beam, which we now use for less serious post-COVID syndromes. These patients do not have changes in the lung tissue in the terms of vascular multiplication, and therefore it does not make sense to stimulate tissue remodelling. The problem is in the muscle chains, which have altered the patient's posture and thus hinder the development of the rib cage, which is felt by the affected person as impaired breathing. The application is then made according to palpation to the affected areas so as to correct the posture and optimise the function of the respiratory muscles.”


Do you have health problems after COVID-19? MIRAMARE Luhačovice Spa offers medical spa stays. More information